The Adversiter Chronicle

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012


The words of the President Obama to the media and in full electoral race for the Presidency for a second term can only be labeled of brave beyond possible revenue in number of voters.
Barack Obama has shown that the history of this country is written many times flying causes denigrated and others sold as anti-American.

The blood shed by our compatriots in previous generations, from the Bank of the Marne, in Tarawa, Okinawa, Philippine mangroves, jungles of Southeast Asia and even Afghanistan as before in Iraq, has never been in vain. Even with different ideas perhaps but always United over ideologies and religions under our flag of stars and stripes.

When in Europe return to attend clarinets and pipers which remind one of the darker times of humanity where faced democracy dictatorship of fanaticism and the extermination of the different, was the time that the USA flying the flag of the recognition of equality in all areas, perhaps with small but consistent steps such as marriage, our compatriots gays and lesbians.

Our Constitution contains the inalienable right to protect its citizens and freedom in its personal scope that includes sexual orientation.

Fortunately remain far longer those times where being homosexual or lesbian era social stigma and forced those who were to accept prostitution jobs paid many times by those same that crucifying them socially.

Our country leads the world because we are the vanguard of democracy and protection of human rights. No one better than a President, a man whose skin was until a few decades ago a handicap to be a full citizen, to remind us that despite the differences are not different from one another.

The Adversiter Chronicle applauds the courageous words that tell what tells the story about his administration, had the courage to say what many compatriots expected to hear loud and presidential.

The integration of gays and lesbians is already something common and current in the fields of our society and they have shown abundantly from its value and loyalty fighting and sacrificing on our armed forces to contribute to the prosperity of our great nation in all professional fields.
God bless America

Perry Morton Jr. IV
Director Editorial and owner of The Adversiter Chronicle

The Adversiter Chronicle, diario dependiente cibernoido
Salt Lake City, Utah
Director Editorial: Perry Morton Jr. IV


Nuestro país lidera el mundo porque somos vanguardia de la democracia y la protección de los derechos humanos.

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